Code completion for PHPUnit and Selenium in NetBeans


How can I get NetBeans to provide code-completion for PHPUnit classes and methods?

I have already tried downloading from the PHPUnit GitHub project, but I didn't understand why the directory is different from what's mentioned on the Selenium documentation. I am looking example for the /test/PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase.php file.

I have already installed PHPUnit from PEAR, but what I need now is the complete PHPUnit file so I can include it in my IDE (in this case NetBeans).

Best Answer

Add the PHPUnit directory to NetBeans's PHP global include path. This will provide code completion in NetBeans for all projects.

  1. Open Tools : Options
  2. Switch to the PHP tab
  3. Click Add Folder... next to the Global Include Path box
  4. Enter /usr/share/php/PHPUnit or navigate to where PEAR installed PHPUnit's source files
  5. Click Open
  6. Click OK

Update: The file defining PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase is placed in the same directory as PHPUnit when you install PHPUnit Selenium.

For example, PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase is stored in


The Selenium test case is stored in


So by placing /usr/share/php/PHPUnit into the NetBeans include path, you pick up both. You have to install the extension first, of course.

pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_Selenium
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