Codeigniter upload not accepting .doc files

codeigniterfile uploadmime-types

I’m getting the following error when I try to upload:

“The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed.”.

Here is my mime for .doc:

‘doc’ => array(‘application/msword’,‘application/doc’,‘appl/text’,‘application/vnd.msword’,‘application/word’,‘application/winword’,‘application/’,‘application/x-msw6’,‘application/x-msword’),

As you can see I already tried to make up for it by adding more mimes. I have no idea what the problem can be… the file is .doc. Note that uploading pdf's do work! I'm also using a mac.

Here is my code:

$sntError = $this->uploadFile($id,'notes','doc|pdf|docx');

private function uploadFile ($id,$input,$extensions) {
 $config['allowed_types'] = $extensions;
 $config['upload_path'] = './upload/sermon/'. $input;
 $config['file_name'] = $input .'-'. $id;
 $config['max_size'] = '10000';
 $config['overwrite'] = true;
 $uploaded = $this->upload->do_upload($input);

 $errors = $this->upload->display_errors('<div class="error">', '</div>');

 if (!$errors && $uploaded) {
  $fileData = $this->upload->data();
 } else {
  return $errors;

Best Answer

I did print_r($fileData); to figure out what the .doc file_type was. It was "text/plain," so I added that to my mimes.php and it solved my problem.