Conditional Visibility of rows in SSRS 2008


I'm very new to SSRS 2008.Here is my problem/question.
I have 15-20 check boxes in the web interface on which the report is based on.I gave ID values to all the check boxes and passing the values of the selected checkboxes into the table so that I can get them on the report side.

On the report side,if a check box is not selected I've to hide that row.For instance if the column name on the table(REPORTCRITERIA) is LOCATIONS and if it has values (1,2,3).This means that checkboxes 1,2 and 3 are do I query that so that I can accomplish what I want?

Please help.


Best Answer

In Report Designer, left-click the detail row, choose Row Visibility from the context menu, and use an IIF(Condition, True, False) for Hidden, meaning if the Condition holds the row will not be visible.

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