Cordova – Struggling to open existing ionic project I cloned from GitHub and understand .iceproj vs ionic.project files


I cloned a ionic project from github and am unable to get it running. When trying to run from command line with an ionic serve command, I get this error saying a ionic.project file is not found. Here is what my project directory looks like. I see no ionic.project file but I do have .iceproj file. Could the ionic.project file be something that was ignored on commit or is it something I need to add?

Alternatively, I was able to create a new ionic project from the command line and end up with a ionic.project file. Here is a screenshot of the directory When starting this new ionic project by following these instructions, I able to serve up the sample application and preview it in a browser no problem.

Does the project directory I cloned from github look correct? If so, how can I run this project?

Best Answer

Your cloned project from github seems to be only the www content of a ionic project.

Then :

  • start a new project from cli
  • copy content of cloned dir to www dir
  • start ionic with ionic serve