Correct “base path” terminology


Consider a website installed in the 'mysite' directory:

document root = /var/www/html
url =

What would you call the following:

  1. /var/www/html/mysite/ index.php (Base path? Root path?)
  2. /var/www/html /mysite /index.php -or- /mysite /index.php (Path? Base path?)
  3. (Base URL)

I can't seem to come up with a clear cut name to distinguish 1 and 2.

Best Answer

I'm from a ruby-on-rails background but...

1) either base-path or root path are used for this. Pick one and be consistent :) 3) in RoR we call this the "root url" but it's also kinda the "home path" too. as to 2 - it doesn't occur in rails (or at least we don't have a name for it)

it sounds like the following would be consistent without confusing them all:

  1. base-filepath == /var/www/html/mysite/ /index.php
  2. root-filepath == /var/www/html /mysite /index.php
  3. root-url ==

An alternative would be:

  1. root-filepath
  2. home-filepath
  3. home-url

my 2c :)

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