Could not connect smtp server on port 25

smtpwindows 7

I'm using a windows 7 PC

When I try to test an smtp connection through telnet giving the command:

telnet 25

It shows a message:

could not establish connection to host, on port 25: connection failed"

How do I get my PC to establish a connection with the smtp host on port 25?

I checked the possibility of a Firewall blocking the port and also try using the telnet command on ports 465 or 587.

Best Answer

It works for me. Perhaps your ISP has a policy of blocking outbound port 25 connections, except to their official outgoing SMTP servers. That's why many services support alternate port numbers for their SMTP service. You didn't say what the results were for the alternate ports, so it's hard to say for sure whether that's your problem.

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