Cross domain access in Sharepoint 2010


There are two domains A and B (separate forests). Sharepoint site is deployed in A domain. Is it possible to user from domain B to get access to the site?

As far as I understand Sharepoint is based on Active Directory accounts. Is it possible to have the user in both domains or are there any other alternatives?

Best Answer

Another option, not mentioned in the answer from Johny, would be to set up your Sharepoint applications to authenticate via ADFS2.

This options is easy to set up but in the same time it's very flexible. You tell your sharepoint to trust one particular ADFS but then, you can federate your ADFS with other ADFSes on different domains or break existing federation relations. You don't touch your Sharepoint when configured once.

The relation graph would be:

Sharepoint -> (trust) -> ADFS2 on domain A -> (possible trust) -> ADFS on domain B, C, others

Technically, if ADFS2 is federated with other ADFSes, your users get an option to login using A, B or other identity provider. The default ADFS page shows just a combo of identity providers but you can customize the page and show anything, like friendly images for example.