Css – colspan messes with fixed width table


I want a fixed-width table with 1 small and 2 large columns like so:



td.small { width: 20% }
td.large { width: 40% }

Then I want to add an extra large col with colspan=2 like so



td.small { width: 20% }
td.large { width: 40% }
td.extralarge { width: 60% } /* 20+40=60 */

But I keep ending up with:


A more graphical example is found on jsbin

js-bin screenshot

** edit **

Sorry, I missed one detail:
I must use (or so I think..?) table-layout: fixed since I'm having some special overflowing properties of the cells:

td {
  white-space: nowrap;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  overflow: hidden;

Updated jsbin found here.

Best Answer

You could also use colgroup and col to set the width:

        <col class="short" />
        <col span="2" class="long" />
        <td>Long long long long</td>
        <td>Long long long long</td>
        <td>Long long long long</td>
        <td>Long long long long</td>
        <td>Long long long long</td>
        <td>Long long long long</td>

With this CSS:

table { width: 100%; }
.short {
    background: lightblue;
    width: 20%
.long {
    background: lightgreen;
    width: 40%;
.multiCells { background: #F3A633; }

This way you do not need to give every td a class, makes it easier when you want to change the classname.

JSFiddle demo

colgroup MDN Article

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