Css – How to imitate the native iPhone look and feel in a web app developed with the ASP.NET platform


I'm planning to develop a web application that targets the iPhone. I will use APT.NET to develop the application. I will probably use ASP.NET MVC.

I'm researching how I will imitate the native iPhone look and feel in my web application. I'm looking for an approach that will be easy to use with the ASP.NET platform.

So far, I found iUI (code.google.com/p/iui/). iUI a collection of CSS stylesheets and javascripts to imitate the native iPhone look and feel. I'm not sure yet how easy it is to integrate with ASP.NET as most samples are static html.

What are good ways to imitate the native iPhone look and feel in a web app developed with the ASP.NET platform?



Best Answer

I just want to let you know that I also found http://iwebkit.net/. I will test it in the upcoming days.

If you have other suggestions, I will greatly appreciate.
