CSS Intellisense not working for MVC 4 project in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate

asp.net-mvc-4intellisensevisual studio 2012

Have created a brand new Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate SP2 MVC4 project but unable to get CSS class selector intellisense to work?

When I type <p class="m" …. I should get the class "myClass" appearing in intellisense dropdown but nothing happens.

The file I have listed below is: \Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml

Any Ideas ?

Edit: Have re-installed VS2012 on brand new windows 7 system (running on Mac OSX parallels 8) and still acting in the same way. Also seems the same for MVC 3 projects.

enter image description here

Extensions installed:
enter image description here

Best Answer

Try adding Web Essentials 2012 extension for Visual Studio 2012: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/07d54d12-7133-4e15-becb-6f451ea3bea6?SRC=VSIDE


Try adding Microsoft Web Developer Tools extension.

I have both of these and using your same example the intellisense works like a charm.