Css – Move / Position Facebook Like Button Comment Popup


I need to move the popup comment box associated with a facebook like button. I understand this question has been asked and resolved a myriad of times.

Previously asked: Facebook Like Widget on Fan page, Comment area out of visible area

Screenshot of same issue as mine: http://twitpic.com/4q7ggi

The difference here is that I believe Facebook has changed the implementation within the past several months so that both the Like Button and the comment popup are contained within a single iframe. I would expect they likely did this because it would be the only reliable way to guard against malicious websites taking advantage of users by auto-liking content. However, it means that I can't apply CSS to reposition the comment box.

I am using the HTML5 like button implementation, which is the same used on the official facebook reference for like buttons http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/. To see an example, click the like button on the facebook reference page again and then inspect the comment popup element. You'll see that both the like button and comment popup are contained within the same iframe.

Best Answer

This has worked for me in the past.

.fb-like.fb_edge_widget_with_comment.fb_iframe_widget span iframe {
    /* Now you can apply css here */
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