Css – Twitter bootstrap displays button with greyed text


I'm using Twitter Bootstrap as a framework on my Ruby on Rails application.

I use link_to to generate links that are styled as buttons, with the following CSS classes: "btn btn-primary btn-mini".

For example:

<%= link_to 'New Event', url_for(:action => 'new', :controller => 'events') , :class => "btn btn-primary btn-mini" %>

generates the following html

<a href="/events/new" class="btn btn-primary btn-mini">New Event</a>

The button displays correctly, but the button text is displayed in grey instead of white. Functionally it works fine, it's not disabled or so. The text also turns white when the mouse hovers over the button.

I tested a few cases. What I concluded in is that whenever the generated (or hardcoded) link starts with a forward slash (/) the button text is greyed. Whenever it starts with a relative resource

I'm running Rails 3.2.2, and using the latest twitter-bootstrap-gem.

How can I fix that?

Best Answer

Did you run a scaffold generator? Scaffold.css will cause this. If you remove it you'll be good to go.

You can also run the generator with --skip-stylesheets to prevent them being created