Css – wildcard * in CSS for classes


I have these divs that I'm styling with .tocolor, but I also need the unique identifier 1,2,3,4 etc. so I'm adding that it as another class tocolor-1.

<div class="tocolor tocolor-1">   tocolor 1   </div>
<div class="tocolor tocolor-2">   tocolor 2   </div>
<div class="tocolor tocolor-3">   tocolor 3   </div>
<div class="tocolor tocolor-4">   tocolor 4   </div>

  background: red;

Is there a way to have just 1 class tocolor-*. I tried using a wildcard * as in this css, but it didn't work.

  background: red;

Best Answer

What you need is called attribute selector. An example, using your html structure, is the following:

div[class^="tocolor-"], div[class*=" tocolor-"] {

In the place of div you can add any element or remove it altogether, and in the place of class you can add any attribute of the specified element.

[class^="tocolor-"] — starts with "tocolor-".
[class*=" tocolor-"] — contains the substring "tocolor-" occurring directly after a space character.

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/K3693/1/

More information on CSS attribute selectors, you can find here and here. And from MDN Docs MDN Docs