Css – YouTube Video Embedded via iframe Ignoring z-index


I'm trying to implement a horizontal multilevel dropdown navigation menu. Immediately below (vertically) the menu, I've got a YouTube video embedded via iframe. If I hover over one of the main level nav items in Firefox, the dropdown menu properly appears on top of the video.

In Chrome and IE9, however, only a sliver of the dropdown is visible in the small region of space I have between the menu and the iframe. The rest of it seems to be behind the iframe.

The problem seems to be related to the YouTube video, not the iframe. To test, I aimed the iframe at another web site rather than the video, and the dropdown menu worked fine, even in IE.

  • Question 1: WTF?
  • Question 2: Why, even if I explicity put a z-index:-999 !important;
    on the iframe does this problem still occur?

Is there some internal CSS that the YouTube embed code includes that is somehow overriding things?

Best Answer

Try adding wmode, it seems to have two parameters.



I can't find a technical reason why it works, or much more explanation but take at look at this query.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/lzQgAR_J1PI?wmode=transparent" frameborder="0" wmode="Opaque">

or this

//Fix z-index youtube video embedding
$(document).ready(function (){
        var url = $(this).attr("src");
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