Delphi 7 and Excel 2007 Open File Error


I am having difficulty opening a EXCEL 2007 in Delphi 7 It works for Office 2003 and below but the wonderful people at microsoft have sent an update or something and the delphi app fell over just earlier this month.

  oE := GetActiveOleObject('Excel.Application');
  oE.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=sFilename, UpdateLinks:=false, ReadOnly:=true); //Error

I get the following error:

'c:\Temp\Book1.xls' could not be
found. Check the spelling of the file
name, and verify that the file
location is correct.'#$A#$A'If you are
trying to open the file from your list
of most recently used files, make sure
that the file has not been renamed,
moved, or deleted'

Yet if I run the same command in VBA there is no problem.

Best Answer

I know this sounds stupid, but have you manually confirmed that the file exists at that location?

What exactly is the contents of sFileName, is it the full path or only the filename? When it is only the filename, maybe Excel can't find it because its current working directory is something else. If you are only passing the filename, try the full path instead.

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