Delphi and Fitnesse/fit4delphi examples


Is there any opensource or example projects showing the use of fitnesse with delphi?

It's sad how hard it is to find resources and information for delphi… :-/

Ok. I realize that my question was a little short. Searching SO and google was kind of obvious for me, so I didn't mention that I already did. So to clarify a little:
* I know about fit4delphi (thereof the use of fit4delphi both in the title and the taglist)
* I know fit4delphi is somewhat maintained (both from fit4delphi site and other SO-thread)
* I know the most basic examples from fitnesse is ported to delphi and comes with fit4delphi
* I know it is possible to use delphi together with fit/fitnesse (comes from the knowledge of fit4delphi and basic google search giving lots of results stating that it is possible)

What I want, is examples of use, not a google query showing that it is possible to use.
I want stories by people with experience from fit4delphi, not from people with experiences from basic google querying.

Best Answer

Doing a simple google on "fitnesse delphi" I came up with a few different results.

You might want to look at this for starters:

Fitnesse for Delphi 2006 / Delphi 2007 /Delphi 2009 - Stack Overflow

Or maybe you want to try the google query I used:

Google for "fitnesse delphi"

I don't know much about fitnesse but I didn't find it difficult to find information about it WRT Delphi.


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