Delphi – Compare Delphi Exception Handlers


How would you compare MadExcept to EurekaLog as an Exception handler for your Delphi application?

Why would you pick one over the other?

Are there any other exception handlers for Delphi that should be considered in addition to these two?

Well the answer was between Smasher and Mark, who both had good info in their comparisons but ended up picking one and the other. So it was a toss up – and I gave the answer to Smasher, just because he was the first of the two to answer.

Best Answer

We did compare these two before deciding to use EurekaLog. It looked a lot more configurable and also seems to have the more professional support. Nothing bad to tell about EurekaLog so far. It works great and isn't too hard to set up and configure the way you like it.