Delphi – Exceptional Magic


According to the DimusWare site, Exceptional Magic was tested through Delphi version 2006. Does Exceptional Magic work with Delphi 2007? If not, does Delphi 2007/2009 provide the same or very similar features to Exceptional Magic?

Best Answer

You may be able to get Exceptional Magic to work with Delphi 2007, but I think you'd be better off using madExcept by Mathias Rauen at:

It's been upgraded right to Delphi 2009 and many good things have been said about it. It is free for non-commercial use, and $100 for commercial use.

Also see: How can I find out which exceptions a Delphi function might throw?

As far as Exception improvements in Delphi, Delphi 2007 fixed a problem with constructors and destructors. In Delphi 2009 there are some new exception classes. But these are not major improvements and will not enable you to do what a third-party exception handler will do.