Delphi – Firemonkey (FMX) bitmap and colours


Assume I have a small bitmap in Firemonkey (say 32×24 pixels). So I put a TImage onto a form and in the constructor there is this code:

  Image1.Bitmap.Create(32, 24);
  if Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene then
    Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.Fill.Color := claBlack;
    Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.Stroke.Color := claYellow;
    Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.FillRect(RectF(0,0,32,24), 0, 0, AllCorners, $FF);
    Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.DrawLine(PointF(1,1), PointF(10,10), $FF);

This draws a nice diagonal line on blackground.

What I want to do is now parse the bitmap to determine the pixels affected by the line draw. If I do a basic pixel by pixel check using:

  for y := 0 to 23 do
    for x := 0 to 31 do
      if Image1.Bitmap.Pixels[x,y] <> claBlack then
        memo1.Lines.Add(Format('x=%d. y=%d. c=%x', [x,y,Image1.Bitmap.Pixels[x,y]]));

the output onto my Memo is:

x=0. y=0. c=FF3C3C00
x=1. y=0. c=FF3C3C00
x=0. y=1. c=FF3C3C00
x=1. y=1. c=FFE7E700
x=2. y=1. c=FF3C3C00
x=1. y=2. c=FF3C3C00
x=2. y=2. c=FFE7E700
x=3. y=2. c=FF3C3C00
x=2. y=3. c=FF3C3C00
x=3. y=3. c=FFE7E700
x=4. y=3. c=FF3C3C00
x=3. y=4. c=FF3C3C00
x=4. y=4. c=FFE7E700
x=5. y=4. c=FF3C3C00
x=4. y=5. c=FF3C3C00
x=5. y=5. c=FFE7E700
x=6. y=5. c=FF3C3C00
x=5. y=6. c=FF3C3C00
x=6. y=6. c=FFE7E700
x=7. y=6. c=FF3C3C00
x=6. y=7. c=FF3C3C00
x=7. y=7. c=FFE7E700
x=8. y=7. c=FF3C3C00
x=7. y=8. c=FF3C3C00
x=8. y=8. c=FFE7E700
x=9. y=8. c=FF3C3C00
x=8. y=9. c=FF3C3C00
x=9. y=9. c=FFE7E700
x=10. y=9. c=FF3C3C00
x=9. y=10. c=FF3C3C00
x=10. y=10. c=FF3C3C00

so it's interpreting and "blurring"? my line as the colours (represented by c above) are not equal to claYellow ($FFFF00). If I draw a horizontal or vertical line, the effect is the same. If I change my stroke thickness to 2 and draw a non-diagonal line it draws in claYellow but it covers 2 pixels.

So how can I determine the "true" pixels I've drawn on. In the above sample I would (could) look for $FFE7E700 but how do I know to look for that value (given that if I drew the line in a different colour, that value would be different). I tried to see if there's a consistent "difference" between the colour I drew with and the actual colour rendered but couldn't locate one.


Best Answer

FMX use antialiazing for drawing. If you would like draw line without blur effect you should use special function for pixel alignment:

  • TCanvas.AlignToPixel
  • TCanvas.AlignToPixelVertically
  • TCanvas.AlignToPixelHorizontally

This functions automatically calculate pixel position for drawing without blur.

Thank you

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