Delphi form Owner Skips ShowMessage/Dialog call in component’s FormClose


My Delphi 2010 application has a number of non-modal forms that are created and owned by the mainform. One of these forms has a formclose procedure that pops up a dialog asking the user if they want to save changes. If the user closes the mainform, the "owned" form's FormClose procedure is called, however the dialog is not shown, and the user has no chance to save.

Any suggestions? I can see the procedure is being called in the debugger, but it seems to just skip the dialog. Same thing happens with a showmessage. Does the owner form somehow override the actual showing of these dialogs?



Best Answer

That kind of thing should go in the OnCloseQuery event. Set CanClose to false in the handler to abort the closing (which is more or less standard: in these situations, Yes, No and Cancel are the usual answers, with Cancel aborting the closing process).

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