Delphi Froze when registering type library


I have created a few AUTOObjects using Delphi and its type library. It compiles without error, but when I tried to register it, Delphi froze, and doesn't return to normal. I have tried to register it in both Delphi 7 and 2006, but both get into the same problem. I tried to register a simple library in Delphi's demo, I am ruling out bad registry file,

There might be something wrong with my code, but I have no idea where, since it compiles well and I have not put any code in RegisterDLL.

Anyone had the same problem before?

Best Answer

You have not provided enough information for anyone to help you.

Have a read of this on how to ask a technical question, it's written for the Microsoft newsgroups, but has the same application here.