Delphi: How to get rid of “Ancestor of TMyForm not found error’


I have some forms inherited from a TMyForm (TMyForm is a 3rdparty component with source code form).

When I open in the IDE my forms inherited from TMyForm I have:

Error creating form: Ancestor for
'TMyForm ' not found.

The workaround is to open the TMyForm unit in the IDE and then try top open my inherited forms.

But how can I avoid that Delphi gives this error and is able to open my forms even if TMyForm is not opened in the IDE?

Best Answer

You need to have the parent form opened in the IDE or added to the project, there's no workaround, unfortunately. Over here: Register custom form so I can inherit from it from multiple projects, without copying the form to the Object Repository folder I attempted lots and lots of things, without success.

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