Delphi – In Delphi “.pas” and “.dpr” files should not be removed


Is there a rule of thumb that .pas, .dfm and .dpr files should not be removed?

While opening/working with concerned project files ,Unit1.pas,Form1,Unit1.dpr etc are automatically created by the IDE in the same project-folder.As they were not related to my proj,I inadvertently deleted them.Will that cause any issue?

Further should the same project be saved with a new name every time one saves it?
Like PfojDel.dpr
edit then save as PfojDel1.dpr
edit then save as PfojDel2.dpr etc

Kindly help

Thanks and Regards


Best Answer

Your first question's pretty straightforward. Any file that you need to compile into your project needs to be present on the disc. Anything else can go.

As for changing your project file name, that's a big hassle. Sounds like you're trying to keep a history of your changes. If so, I'd look into version control if I were you. TortoiseSVN makes it pretty easy to create a simple source code repository, either on your own hard drive or a networked system, that you can check changes into to keep a history.

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