Delphi – INDY 10.1.5 – Which SSL dlls work with Delphi 2006


I'm trying to connect to google documents (following Marco Cantu's excellent REST example) but I am getting the following SSL errors:

1) If I use the SSL dlls from I get the error:

"Could not load SSL library"

2) If I use the SSL dlls from I get the error:

"Error connecting with SSL"

3) If I use the SSL dlls from I get the error:

"Could not load SSl Library"

Now I've researched this and there are a lot of recommendations with dead links to dlls about, including links on stack overflow. I suspect I need to find the SSL dlls that are compatible with the version of INDY I am using.

My question is, does anyone know exactly which SSL dlls are compatible with Delphi 2006 & INDY 10.1.5?

Best Answer

I had the same problem even after I upgrading to INDY 10.2.3 and I tryed every different version of the “libeay32.dll” and “ssleay32.dll” files I could find ... Like Matt I always got one of the two errors: "Could not load SSL library" or the "Error connecting with SSL" with something like "error:00000006:lib(0):func(0):EVP lib" ...

I was very happy when I change the TidSSLioHandlerSocketOpenSSL.SSLOptions.Method to sslvSSLv23 and everything started working.

A bit more research and I quickly understood anytime I got the error "Could not load SSL library" I was using the wrong version of the DLL files and anytime I got the "Error connecting with SSL" with something like "error:00000006:lib(0):func(0):EVP lib" I was using the wrong SSLOptions.Method value.

Other Info: I'm using Delphi 2006, INDY 10.2.3 and I'm runnin on WinXP Pro

This caused me so much pain, I hope this post will save someone some time.

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