Delphi – installing Delphi5 pro in windows 64b


Over the past 15 years or so I've written all the software that runs my medical practice in Delphi 5.

Last week my disk became unbootable/unrecoverable. I have my original D5p disk and all the components backed up but I want to migrate to Windows7. I don't care if my delphi apps look like vista/7; I just want to be able to install it and code on the machine again for maintenance purposes.

  1. are there any tricks to install D5 so it works in W7?
  2. is using a virtual machine really the only/best way? if so, which is suggested?

Thanks in advance.


Best Answer

I don't know if this helps, but I run Delphi 7 on 64 bit Windows 7 with no problem.

There are some special steps to installing it, but after that, it works fine.

Check out this site for the details:

Although I use VMs for other things, running Delphi inside a VM IMO is a nuisance. So it'll be worth your trying the above. On the other hand, I know developers who swear by VMs for this since they can get such great backup snapshots, as noted by others.