Delphi – Opening Delphi project files – Any downside of opening DPR instead of existing DPROJ file


By default, the file extension descriptions for .DPR and .DPROJ are the same, so in Explorer when opening a project file with the same base name, both file descriptions are listed as "Delphi Project File" This presents a choice to the developer – which file to open?

I typically open the second file listed, assuming it's the DPROJ.

Are there any downsides of opening a DPR when there is a corresponding DPROJ file on file? Does the IDE handle this gracefully?

I sometimes open the first file listed and I haven't noticed any problems, but it's one of those curiosities remaining unanswered. I looked through the help and couldn't find anything.

Best Answer

A *.dpr file contains delphi source and *.dproj contains the project configuration.

Opening one of them the IDE is looking for the other automatically.

Try to remove the *.dproj file and open the (remaining) *.dpr the IDE will inform you, that a new *.dproj file will be generated.

Do not try to remove the *.dpr :o)

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