Delphi – TButton with transparent PNG image and glowing hover effect

delphiuser interface

I'm using Delphi XE and trying to update an old Delphi codebase. The software was originally developed with Delphi 7 and used a hacked version of TPNGButton written by Jonathan Hosking in 2001. TPNGButton had a support for transparency and glowing hover effect. Unfortunately when the project was ported on Delphi XE, all the images were stretched to fill the area of the whole button.

I'm trying to create a similar kind of button with TButton but I'm hitting a wall. I created a new test project and added a TButton and a TImageList with PNG image. I added this image list to the Image property of the button and chose the correct ImageIndex. This resulted in a button with the correct image but the image is way too small (16×16 pixels).

I tried to fix the size issue by changing the size of the TImageList but after this I can't see the image at all even if I enter the previous values. Of course even the most current version of Delphi GUI designer lacks the support for undo so I have to remove the image list and add a new image list to restore the image to the button.

Is there a better way to get the kind of button I want or do I have to code it myself or try to fix the hacked TPNGButton implementation? Surely this can't be the best way for GUI development with Delphi in the year 2011?

Best Answer

The TAdvGlowButton is not free, but is exactly this kind of button.

The TMS Component pack could be worth paying, if you want a working ribbon.

See also the rkGlassButton, which is free.

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