Delphi – the fastest XML Parser available for Delphi


We have reasonably large XML strings which we currently parse using MSXML2

I have just tried using MSXML6 hoping for a speed improvement and have got nothing!

We currently create a lot of DOM Documents and I guess there may be some overhead in constantly interacting with the MSXML2/6 dll

Does anyone know of a better/faster XML component for Delphi?

If anyone can suggest an alternative, and it is faster, we would look to integrate it, but that would be a lot of work, so hopefully the structure would not be too different to that used by MSXML

We are using Delphi 2010


Best Answer

some time ago I had to serialize record to XML format; for ex:

 TTest = record
    a : integer;
    b : real; 


        <a type="tkInteger">value</a>
        <b type="tkFloat">value</b>

I used RTTI to recursively navigate through record fields and storing values to XML. I've tried few XML Parsers. I did't need DOM model to create xml, but needed it to load it back.

XML contained about 310k nodes (10-15MBytes); results presented in table below, there are 6 columns with time in seconds;
1 - time for creating nodes and write values
2 - SaveToFile();
3 = 1 + 2
4 - LoadFromFile();
5 - navigate through nodes and read values
6 = 4 + 5
enter image description here

MSXML/Xerces/ADOM - are differend vendors for TXMLDocument (DOMVendor)
JanXML doesn't work with unicode; I fixed some errors, and saved XML, but loading causes AV (or stack overflow, I don't remember);
manual - means manually writing XML using TStringStream.

I used Delphi2010, Win7x32, Q8200 CPU/2.3GHz, 4Gb of RAM.

update: You can download source code for this test (record serialization to XML using RTTI) here All parsers (Omni, Native, Jan) are included (now nodes count in XML is about 270k), sorry there are no comments in code.