Delphi – Why does ExplicitWidth and ExplicitHeight keep appearing in .DFM files and what is it


We've noticed that when checking in updates, our .DFM files have added ExplicitWidth and ExplicitHeight properties – but we don't know why.

My questions are:

  • What are these properties for?
  • Why are they automatically added by Delphi?

Below is an example showing the added ExplicitWidth property:

object Splitter2: TcxSplitter
    Left = 0
    Top = 292
    Width = 566
    Height = 8
    Cursor = crVSplit
    HotZoneClassName = 'TcxXPTaskBarStyle'
    AlignSplitter = salBottom
    Control = BottomPanel
    Color = clBtnFace
    ExplicitWidth = 8

Best Answer

With DDevExtensions you can disable storing these properties in the dfm:

Adds Explicit* property remover to keep DFM files compatible to older Delphi versions

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