Delphi XE : Lost Library path


I have lost most of my Library Path in Delphi XE after upgrading from Delphi 2010,

Now even some simple app will fail to compile.

Is there any way to recover those lost directory entries that were in the library path?

EDIT: I found a surprising solution to this problem, just delete this registry key:


and restart Delphi, then the key in the registry will be generated again with the correct default values but you'll lose any third parties there, at least now it's working!

I Hope it's useful for anyone that is having the same problem 🙂

Best Answer

For me this happened after installing VirtualTreeview 4.8.7 (? 5?) in Delphi XE under win7X64. I tried the delete reg path above (after saving it off to a file) and no go.

Then I noted that there was a dropdown in the library path that remembered previous changes to the whole path. Set it (and all the other remembered ones) back a step or two and everything compiled.

Sooo, then I reimported the originally bad one watching for differences. Right there in the topmost line

$(BDSLIB)\$(Platform)\release was $(Platform)\release (in the incorrect version)

Modified to have the full line in and all is well. $(BDSLIB)\$(Platform)\release

I expect this is because the installer strips these out and rebuilds them, but treats this as two lines instead of one.

Scotto the Unwise (spellcheck for the win)

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