Devexpress Aspxgridview Callback


Hi guys i have a problem.

Im making a callback from an aspxgridview. I do callback when i make RowDblClick and then i switch to another tab of the pageControl and fill some controls with database information. One of those controls is another gridview. So what i want to do is when i rowdblclick in the new gridview, make another callback.

I dont know why but when i double click the new aspxgridview, my application stacks. So i haven't response of the callback. I stopped the first callback of the first grid, and the second callback works fine.

So my question is, how can i make a callback in an aspxgridview by a rowdblclick, and after that make another callback with another rowdblclick in another aspxgridview?

this is first aspxgridview

<dx:ASPxGridView ID="grillaInformes" runat="server" KeyFieldName="ID" width="100%"        EnableCallBacks="false" ClientInstanceName="grillaInformes" OnCustomCallback="grillaInformes_CustomCallback">
                    <ClientSideEvents RowDblClick="function(s, e) { s.PerformCallback(e.visibleIndex); }"/>

and this is the second aspxgridview, whose callback doesn't work because i made another callback before of grillaInformes

<dx:ASPxGridView ID="grillaSubInformes" runat="server" KeyFieldName="ID"  Width="100%" EnableCallBacks="false" ClientInstanceName="grillaSubInformes" OnCustomCallback="grillaSubInformes_CustomCallback"  >
                       <ClientSideEvents RowDblClick="function(s, e) { s.PerformCallback(e.visibleIndex); }"/>

Best Answer

Have you tried calling a defined JavaScript function for the CallBacks, and stepping through the code there? For example:

function grillaInformes_RowDblClick(s, e) {

function grillaSubInformes_RowDblClick(s, e) {

and use the following for your grid:

<dx:ASPxGridView ID="grillaInformes" runat="server" KeyFieldName="ID" width="100%" EnableCallBacks="false" ClientInstanceName="grillaInformes" OnCustomCallback="grillaInformes_CustomCallback">
                    <ClientSideEvents RowDblClick="grillaInformes_RowDblClick"/>

<dx:ASPxGridView ID="grillaSubInformes" runat="server" KeyFieldName="ID"  Width="100%" EnableCallBacks="false" ClientInstanceName="grillaSubInformes" OnCustomCallback="grillaSubInformes_CustomCallback"  >
                       <ClientSideEvents RowDblClick="grillaSubInformes_RowDblClick"/>

You should see right away whether the second double-click is even starting, then step through the code behind. We do things like this often though, and have no problem with multiple callbacks running at one time.