Does sbt build against scala 2.11


I want to write a plugin using scala 2.11

sbtPlugin := true

scalaVersion := "2.11.0"

The current sbt release (0.13.9) is built on scala 2.10.5

Does build against 2.11 in the community build.
[sbt] --== Extracting dependencies for sbt ==--
[sbt] Fetching
[sbt] into /home/jenkins/workspace/scala-2.11.x-integrate-community-build/target-0.9.1/clones/d12473907f59fe78661e5f2a758557fe14df3ac6
[sbt] Took: 00h 00m 02.3s
[sbt] Fetching /home/jenkins/workspace/scala-2.11.x-integrate-community-build/target-0.9.1/clones/d12473907f59fe78661e5f2a758557fe14df3ac6
[sbt] into /home/jenkins/workspace/scala-2.11.x-integrate-community-build/target-0.9.1/extraction/18f58ea36720e88c2e79edce7efe5b626fc09a5e/projects/c2c0436b24853ab78d6f35ecf52a77248da4e537
[sbt] Took: 00h 00m 01.3s
[sbt] The following subprojects will be built in project sbt: launcher-interface, test-agent, control, io, datatype-generator, process, scripted-framework, interface, launcher, precompiled-2_8_2, relation, classpath, api, precompiled-2_9_2, logging, compile, run, classfile, scripted-sbt, testing, incremental-compiler, persist, compiler-integration, precompiled-2_9_3, compiler-interface, collections, completion, logic, apply-macro, tasks, task-system, cache, tracking, cross, ivy, compiler-ivy-integration, actions, command, main-settings, main, sbt, scripted-plugin
[sbt] --== End Extracting dependencies for sbt ==--

Best Answer

We can't break binary compatibility for all the sbt 0.13 plugins until we release the next version sbt 0.14 or potentially sbt 1.0, so no Scala 2.11.x sbt until then.


One way to work around this is to use Fork API. sbt 0.13 is capable of building Scala 2.11 source using Scala 2.11 compilers. You can mimic the way its done, and run Scala 2.10 or 2.11 code from sbt.