Draw Line chart on top of Bar chart in SSRS


I am using SSRS (SQL 2008).

I am having 2 Axis.

One chart is line and the other is Bar chart.

But when I preview it , the line chart gets hidden behind bar chart as shown in the pic.

How do I bring Line chart on top of bar chart?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I was able to replicate something similar - it seems like this is determined by the order of the Chart Series in the chart designer.

I have a simple chart showing the same issue as yours:

enter image description here

Here, the first Chart Series is the line element and the second is the bar element; SSRS renders the second series, i.e. the bar element, on top.

enter image description here

If I simply drag the second line Series position to be first in the designer, this makes the line element second and hence renders the line over the bars:

enter image description here

enter image description here

So maybe if you change the Chart Series order in the designer it will solve your issue.

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