Eclipse CDT build error: make not in path


I just recently(actually today) started using Eclipse CDT for windows. Created a project, a test C file(Hello World) added to project. Build the project, I got error as below.

Error: Program make is not found in Path - 

So then I read that Eclipse CDT needs Mingw/MSYS, which I did install. Now i See that there is make.exe in


But Since I dont have administrator privileges, I could not add this folder containing make to the Path system variable on Windows. (I am not likely to get administrator privileges)

Now how do I work around this error to build and use CDT on windows? Any Project settings for Eclipse CDT which if added the path to make could help resolve this?

Best Answer

Was able to get a fix around this problem.

Added the correct paths for two exes - make and gcc/g++ (installed by Mingw/Ansys) to the User environment variable Path (Was not allowed to edit System variable Path).

But adding these paths to User environment variable Path also helped to resolve this. Now Eclipse CDT built and executed the code fine.