Eclipse CDT setup for remote build


Is there a better way to setup Eclipse CDT for local editing and remote building?

I am working on a C++ project that uses GNU make in Linux. The code is under CVS on a Linux server.

When I'm in the lab, I use Eclipse CDT on a Linux-x64 PC. The project is built on a Linux-x86 PC. All the computers in the lab (including the CVS server) have NFS mounts.

When I'm at home, I use Eclipse CDT on a Windows 7 PC. The Windows PC connects to the Linux CVS server via SSH tunnel. To edit source, I rsync the C++ project under the Linux Eclipse workspace back to my Windows Eclipse workspace. (I can also do a remote CVS checkout on the Windows PC.) To build from home, I use a custom build command that

  1. SSH's to the Linux-x86 PC,
  2. rsync's the C++ project from my Windows Eclipse workspace to my Linux Eclipse workspace,
  3. and then runs make on the Liunx-x86 PC, specifying the correct path for the Makefile.

In order to go back and forth between lab and home without committing my changes to CVS every time, I use rsync. When I transition from lab to home, I rsync sources to my Windows Eclipse workspace. When I build from home, the sources get rsync'd back to the Linux Eclipse workspace.

Is there a better, less wonky way to do this?

(I'm NOT interested in remote debugging.)

Best Answer

Netbeans has good support for this. I've tried to get it working in Eclipse, but Netbeans was much easier with built in support.