Eclipse – Configure m2eclipse through pom.xml


With the maven-eclipse-plugin, using mvn eclipse:eclipse, you can specifiy eclipse project natures and builders that will automatically be added to the eclipse project.

Earlier versions of m2eclipse used the configuration block of the maven-eclipse-plugin and also let you activate natures and builders using the same mechanisms. This seems to no longer be the case because a) I can't find any reference to maven-eclipse-plugin in the m2eclipse sources and b) it just doesn't work 🙂

So this is my question: is there any way to configure the eclipse project generated by m2eclipse from the pom.xml? Specifically: project builders and natures, but I'd be interested in other options as well.

Best Answer

The following thread summarizes almost everything. First, it explains that m2eclipse doesn't and won't support anything from the Maven Eclipse Plugin anymore because:

  1. Sonatype doesn't maintain it.
  2. It causes them too much troubles.

Second, it states that the m2eclipse way to handle additional project natures and builders is to write project configurators:

(...) we encourage writing configurators to add the natures and builders you want based on what it available in the POM.

See this link for a guide and this project for some existing configurators for checkstyle, findbugs, pmd.