Eclipse – Error in Eclipse at start-up


I am trying to get into Eclipse/Android programming but, sadly enough, I'm not even succeeding in running the HelloAndroid program!

I might have two types of problem. One is related to the AVD manager (just posted another question on that regards). The second is on Eclipse itself: when I start it (just after having re-installed it), without loading any project, I already get an error message: "Invalid preference page path: XMl Syntax", apparently related to plug-in org.eclipse.ui.

The log also says:

  • "An exception stack trace is not available"
  • eclipse.buildId=M20110909-1335
  • java.version=1.7.0_01
  • java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
  • BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=it_IT
  • Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86

FYI, I have installed Eclipse on an external HD (F:), but pointing to my main HD (C:) for storing projects. Could it be the cause?

Before I get deeper into troubleshooting, I would like to sort out this error. Can anybody help me?


Best Answer

looks more like a misconfigured installation.

try following:

download android sdk and extract it somewhere start android sdk manager and install your preferred sdk's

download eclipse for rcp and rap developers copy your java6 "jre" folder into the eclipse folder start eclipse and configure the path to your extracted android sdk

this should work!