Eclipse – Help installing Spring plugin on Eclipse Indigo


I have been trying for weeks to install spring plugin with Eclipse 3.7

It seems very slow and it keeps timing out with certain jars it is trying to get as dependancies
tptp jars are the usual problems, Is there any way to manually install these dependancies and the plugin or do i have to keep trying over and over watching it re-download the same files over and over?

I did leave it once all day Friday through to end of day Monday and it only got 48% through installing.

Repository in use is the following


I am on a fast link but just got this error

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=epp.package.jee, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Unable to read repository at
Read timed out
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.springsource.sts.config.ui,
MD5 hash is not as expected. Expected: a311d3e2326d8a267f1531ff26c16e4b and found 7d163b4dd2819f5b24ff2272c54bbe0d.
Unable to read repository at
Read timed out
Unable to read repository at
Read timed out
Unable to read repository at
Read timed out

Best Answer

I was also facing the same problem when i select the all plugins but when i have selected only:

Core/Spring IDE Extension(Incubation) /Spring IDE Resource /Spring IDE

Then it has easily installed ....

Hope this will help any one ,who is facing the problem .............

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