Eclipse – How to get Eclipse/Mylyn to fill out your commit messages for you


I've setup the following:

  • Installed Mylyn in Eclipse
  • Installed the Bugzilla connector
  • Installed Subversive SVN Integration for the Mylyn Project
  • I've gone to Windows -> Preferences -> Tasks -> Team and clicked Change Set Management and left it with the default Commit Comment Template:
    ${task.status} - ${connector.task.prefix} ${task.key}: ${task.description}

However, if I activate a bugzilla bug in the Task List, and then edit a file, when I commit the changes the commit message isn't filled in.

Also, in the Synchronisation perspective there isn't a change set for the task I'm working on.

I've tried following the instructions on the Eclipse wiki's Mylyn FAQ for Why does task change set not appear when I modify files? but the bullet point:

I have a Show Change Sets button, but clicking it only shows me incoming change sets, there aren't any outgoing change sets.

What am I missing?

Best Answer

Did you activate the checkbox "Automatically create and manage with task context" in the group "Change Set Management" in the preference page?

I had a quick look at the Eclipsepedia article for Mylyn and you havent mentioned the Mylyn-Bridge in your installation. Did you install this feature?. The article also says that you also need enabling features for the Client you are using

I am on Eclipse 3.4 with Mylyn 3.3.2 and this works just fine. There is probably something missing in your configuration.

Here is what is installed on my system (with the standard CVS-Client):

  • Mylyn Bridge: Eclipse IDE
  • Mylyn Bridge: Java Development
  • Mylyn Bridge: Team Support
  • Mylyn Connector: Bugzilla
  • Mylyn Task List
  • Mylyn Task-Focused Interface

If you are using Subversive you also need the Subversive Team Provider and similar it goes for Subclipse.

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