Eclipse – Installing Subversion JavaHL library in Mac OS X


I installed Subclipse in Eclipse using Eclipse Marketplace. I keep on getting a pop window with the message

Failed to load JavaHL Library.
These are the errors that were encountered:
no libsvnjavahl-1 in java.library.path
no svnjavahl-1 in java.library.path
no svnjavahl in java.library.path
java.library.path = .:/Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/usr/lib/java

This is the link that is suggested to be visited.

Under Mac OS X I find a link to OpenCollabNet but I can't find binaries on that link, would much appreciate if someone could help me locate the link to binaries.
And also is there a way to install Subversion JavaHL library via macports, if yes what is the command to do so.

Best Answer

You can also switch to the pure-Java implementation via "Window -> Preferences -> Team -> SVN -> SVN inteface" and choose the entry with "SVNKit". This way you remove any dependency on native code and get rid of these errors. Eclipse Preferences

If you are missing the SVNKit-choice, verify if you have installed the plugin "SVNKit Client Adapter" from CollabNet! Install SVNKit Adapter