Eclipse – keep the settings upgrading Eclipse from Indigo to Juno


How can I upgrade Eclipse from Indigo to Juno without losing all of my customizations?

I've tried two different things, neither of which worked:

  • Export prefs from Indigo and import into Juno
  • Run Juno on a copy of the Indigo workspace

It's so annoying to have to start from scratch with every upgrade…

Best Answer

I am no expert, but I just added new sites to my "Available Software Sites" (help -> install new software -> Available Software Sites)

and updated (help -> install updates).

After the update had been added had been disabled had been disabled

maybe other changes that I didn't notice.

Everything seems to work as expected - project list remains - perspectives remain - the only thing that wasn't preserved seemed to be the editor tabs that were open in the workspace, but that is small loss. So hopefully that was the right way to do it - unless someone wants to tell me differently.


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