Eclipse: multiple monitors / positioning of dialogs


I'm trying to setup Eclipse for two monitors (a 1600×1200). I have one big desktop spanning over both monitors. Eclipse places some dialogs (CTRL+3) exactly centered on my desktop, this means that one half of the dialog is on the left monitor, the other one on the right one.

When I move the dialog, close it, and open it again, the last position isn't remembered by Eclipse. Any way around this issue? Or is there a plugin, which helps to open all dialogs not centered, but placed with an offset to the left / right?


Best Answer

It depends on what exact dialogs you are talking about.

Dialogs can remember their last position since Eclipse3.2: bug 111530 and bug 33550. Different dialogs now remember their positions: bug 108801:

If other dialogs don't work correctly, a new bug report is in order.

Regarding the "Quick Access" (CTRL+3) dialog the OP is actually referring to, he comments:

Finally found the simple solution:
In the upper right corner is a small triangle, which opens a a context menu, with the desired entry "remember position".