Eclipse – (The system cannot find the path specified)


I am facing below issues while executing a project in Eclipse:

Publishing failed with multiple errors
File not found: D:\Programs\j2ee\OnlineLibrary\target\m2e-wtp\web-resources\META-INF\maven\OnlineLibrary\OnlineLibrary\
D:\Programs\j2ee\OnlineLibrary\target\m2e-wtp\web-resources\META-INF\maven\OnlineLibrary\OnlineLibrary\ (The system cannot find the path specified)
File not found: D:\Programs\j2ee\OnlineLibrary\target\m2e-wtp\web-resources\META-INF\maven\OnlineLibrary\OnlineLibrary\pom.xml.
D:\Programs\j2ee\OnlineLibrary\target\m2e-wtp\web-resources\META-INF\maven\OnlineLibrary\OnlineLibrary\pom.xml (The system cannot find the path specified)

System Configuration:

  • OS: Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
  • Tomcat: 8.0.30 (64-bit)
  • Java: jdk 1.8.0_45 (64-bit)
  • Maven version: 3.3.9 on C:/
  • Eclipse: Luna 4.4.2

Steps followed:

  • Configure maven in eclipse
  • Updated the settings.xml file with custom repositories path placed on C:\apache-maven-3.3.9\conf
  • In Eclipse:

    • Click Project–>Preferences–>Maven. Selected the artifacts download options
    • Click Maven–>Installations. Added the maven installation (C:\apache-maven-3.3.9) and set it as default
    • Click Maven–>Templates. Below mention Templates are in "Off" mode
      "m2e profile","m2e-wtp activation,"m2e-wtp JAX-RS activation","m2e-wtp JPA activation","m2e-wtp JSF activation",
      "m2e-wtp's specific context root property".
    • Click Maven–>User Settings. Global Setting, Local Settings points to C:\apache-maven-3.3.9\conf\settings.xml
      Local Repository points to custom repositories path as below:
  • Created a new dynamic web project (project name: OnlineLibrary). Renamed the src folder as per Maven project structure.

  • Right clicked on project –>Configure–>Convert to Maven Project. Right click on the project–>Maven. Selected Resolve
    dependency from workspace projects.
  • Added required dependencies to the project.
  • Project Build successful as per Maven clean, build, install process.

But when I try to execute/Run the project on server error is displayed:

Best Answer

This does not explain the problem but i resolved same problem with Maven->Update Project(s)