Eclipse – setting up a maven project in Juno Eclipse


I recently upgraded my Eclipse to Juno and am struggling with the way maven dependencies are handled.

I installed the m2e plugin. Still, many of my projects started complaining about libraries missing as if the dependencies specified in the pom were completely ignored. This happened despite right-clicking on the project, selecting Configure –> Convert to Maven project, which seems to be the replacement for what used to be "Maven –> Enable dependencies" before. When I looked at the Maven dependencies under the project directory, there were many fewer dependencies listed than in my pom.

Running a maven compile on the command line outside of Eclipse allowed my project to build and after selecting Maven –> Update project, I was able to see the dependencies added or removed accordingly to what I specified in the pom.xml.

Bottom line: maven dependencies seem to work now but I had to do some combination of operations I didn't think should have been needed:
– Configure -> Convert to Maven project
– Maven -> Update dependencies
– Run maven outside of Eclipse

To get everything to work when with previous versions of Eclipse, all I had to do was Maven -> enable dependencies. What is the equivalent of this in Juno, i.e. what is the correct way of setting up juno Eclipse to handle properly a maven project?

Best Answer

I have been using Juno for a while now and the reliable way to solve Maven dependencies from within Eclipse after importing a project that is maven based is simply:

  1. Configure --> Convert to Maven project

  2. Maven --> Update project

Running Maven outside of Eclipse doesn't seem to help.

I am not sure why these two steps are now required when they were not before with previous version of Eclipse (at least, two steps were not needed before for sure).


mvn -Declipse.workspace=<path-to-eclipse-workspace> eclipse:add-maven-repo  

outside of Eclipse has brought me the problems I described in my comment to the other answer.