Eclipse Slowing Down Continously


First I tell you all my system configuration. I have Intel i7 processor, 16GB RAM and 256GB SSD which is more than sufficient for this situation.

I was previously using eclipse neon. Some days after installation, debug mode becomes too slow that pressing F6 will get to next line after 4 seconds(checked time). Done many suggested steps I found on SO and other websites but nothing worked. So Installed eclipse Oxygen and it ran fine for some days and again the same problem started occurring. Don't know what is causing this.

Steps that I already was taken:

1. Modified -Xms and -Xmx parameters in eclipse.ini to update memory restrictions(Xms256m to Xms768m)
2. Uninstalled unused plugins
3. Turned auto update off on new installation also
4. Created new workspaces
5. Used both JDK 1.7 and 1.8 versions
6. Run only eclipse at a time and nothing else

One thing that I am noticing is when I start eclipse, it runs perfectly for a certain amount of time(10-15 mins) for the same eclipse project but then starts to slow down.

Please suggest something. Thanks.

Best Answer

Try this....

Please check your JDK & Eclipse Version if its older update.

According to your system config there is enough space to run all the tools.And try some this points:

General > Startup and Shutdown: remove all plugins activated on startup

General > Editors > Text Editors > Spelling : Disable spell checking

General > Validation > Suspend all Window > Customize Perspective > Remove stuff you don’t use or want (shortcut keys are your friends), same for Menu Visibility (how many times have you printed a source file…)

Install/Update > Automatic Updates > Uncheck “Automatically find new updates”

General > Appearance > Uncheck Enable Animations

Stay with the default theme. Unfortunately, anything else makes it really laggy and slow.

Always make garbage collection

tweak garbage collection
