Eclipse – Sorting by type in Project Explorer in Eclipse


I recently upgraded to Helio SR2 and the sort order for the package explorer is now sorting by name no matter the type. Is there any way to specify the sort order?


  • JAX-WS Web Service
  • Deployment Descriptor
  • Java Resources
  • pom.xml (File)
  • src (Folder)
    • main (Folder)
    • java (Folder)
    • webapp (Folder)
      • a.jsp (File)
      • b (Folder)
      • c.jsp (File)
      • WEB-INF (Folder)
      • z.jsp (File)

In the example above, the files and folders are not sorted by type and then sorted by name (like in Windows Explorer).


  • JAX-WS Web Service
  • Deployment Descriptor
  • Java Resources
  • src (Folder)
    • main (Folder)
    • java (Folder)
    • webapp (Folder)
      • b (Folder)
      • WEB-INF (Folder)
      • a.jsp (File)
      • c.jsp (File)
      • z.jsp (File)
  • pom.xml (File)

Previous versions were sorting it this way – I'm just not sure how to set it back.

Best Answer

Double check you are not using "Project Explorer", it sorts alphabetically. BUT,

  • "Package Explorer" sorts files the way you want.
  • "Navigator" also sorts the way your asking and will show hidden files in OSX and Win folders.

You can access these views via Window->Show View->Other