Eclipse – SVNKit for Eclipse


Trying to install Subversive and am choking on the concept of Subversive Connectors, and how to install them.

(1) What are Subversive Connectors? My only guess is that they help tie the Subversive plug-in to the local instance of svn. Yes? No?!?!

(2) I found an article explaining the difference between JavaHL and SVN Kit connectors (although it didn't explain what either of them were, or what they did!), and it looks like I want SVN Kit 1.3.2 for a number of reasons. But when I try to install them from the Subversive Connector Discovery dialog, it gives me an error, tells me to check an ambiguous "error log" (Eclipse error log, SVN error log, Subversive error log, ?!?!) and refuses to install it. I came across an article stating that this was a defect from a December 2009 release, but that it had been fixed. What is going on here? I am using Helios on 64-bit Ubuntu, anybody else ever have this problem? Any suggestions for how to fix or circumvent?

(3) It looks like the Subversive Connector Discovery dialog is configured to launch the first time you try to open Subversive from inside Eclipse (after installing and restarting). But since I wasn't able to install SVNKit 1.3.2, I canceled that dialog, closed Eclipse and walked away for a day. Now, I can't seem to get it to launch, and it has next to no online documentation that is helping me. Anybody know how to launch this dialog second and subsequent times?

Thanks to anyone who can provide even the tiniest of help. I will wash the gutters, mow the lawn and perform a full spring cleanup for anyone who can answer these!!!

Best Answer

Usually this works out pretty well, you install Subversive, and if you havn't installed a Connector, you get the dialog when Subversive needs it.

What's going on is a sad bug in the latest Eclipse/Subversive version.

Here's what worked for me.

Uninstall anything subversive related that you've installed.(Help->About Installation Details)

Go to . Download the zip file, currently this one.

Install that file you downloaded (Help->Install New Software , hit the Add button, chose Archive). A restart later, you'll be asked for an SVN connector, choose SVNKit with the biggest version number, you should be good to go.