Eclipse – Which Eclipse Subversion plugin should I use


Subclipse, Subversive, or something else?

There's a bit of debate around the topic, can we come to some conclusion here?

It's been a couple months now, and I ended up deciding the plugin slowed Eclipse down too much, and was a hassle to use every time I changed a file from outside Eclipse.
I ditched the plugin all together and just went with TortiseSVN.

Best Answer

This depends. Subclipse has superior support for checking out projects as maven projects - this is the sole reason we use Subclipse. Other than that, I have noticed subclipse bugs with syncing with SVN.

Subversive is much better at detecting new files to add to version control, and is also far superior with merging code from a branch, or even syncing with SVN (fewer bugs, etc.). So really, you should ask yourself what value you want. If you're not using maven, I would definitely go for Subversive.