Elasticsearch 2.1: how to delete by query using curl


I have an _index: varnish_logs and _type: varnish

a field having two different values "server" : "india" and "server" : "usa"

Now I want to delete only the records which are in usa.

I tried using

$ curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/_all/_query?q=server:usa'

response: No handler found for uri [] and method [DELETE]

enter image description here
and also tried to delete all the data using query

curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/varnish_logs/varnish/_query' -d '
"query" :{
"match_all" : {}

all I get response: found: "false"
enter image description here

Please let me know where I'm wrong

Best Answer

Elasticsearch has removed the delete-by-query functionality. They have instead replaced it by a plugin with same name. It is slower than the previous but fixes the problem elasticsearch had previously.

This post from elasticsearch might help.

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