Emacs Lisp Function Guide


I have been using Emacs for more than three years now but it still takes me days to write even small functions in Lisp. I've looked through GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual but it's huge and structured completely opposite from JavaDoc, not from functions to descriptions but the other way around.

What will make my life much easier is some sort of small JavaDoc like document with most commonly used Emacs internal functions and they quick description.

    (point) - returns current position in buffer
    (save-excursion (p)) - saves current position in buffer before 
                           executing (p) and restores it afterward.

Does anyone know where I can find something like that?

Best Answer

This site has some emacs lisp summary information that may be useful: http://xahlee.org/emacs/elisp.html.

In particularly, check out these links on that page: Basic Text-editing Functions, Emacs Lisp Idioms and Batch Text Processing